I Was Feeling Extremely Stuck In Life


When we first connected, I was feeling extremely stuck in life - stagnated in my career, unsure of what to do with my ecommerce business, stuck as a mom looking after 2 kids. I was already starting to prioritize my own needs in some ways, but there was a lot that I still felt was lacking.

I'd never worked with a coach before, though I'd been through several therapists and knew that I didn't want a traditional therapist again. I expected a coach to ultimately prompt me into action, and knew that there would be an element of healing past wounds first.

Before our first session, I honestly didn't think that I needed to rehash negative feelings about my mom. I thought that I'd gotten over it and that our relationship, while distant, was just fine. Instead, I was very focused on other lacks in my romantic life, which was the more pressing topic.

I didn't expect to sob as much as I did in our first (or second!) session, but it was cathartic. There was definitely more work that I needed to do to heal my childhood traumas before addressing the void I'd been feeling with my soon-to-be ex husband.

Since our coaching sessions, I've seen huge shifts on multiple fronts. My confidence has returned, allowing me to communicate more effectively, and ultimately landing me a rewarding job that couldn't have come at a better time. I've finally started to see my kids' dad as a great co-parent and friend and the universe has delivered a wonderful new partner into my life who just gets me.

My opinion of my parents haven't changed, but I'm more and more relaxed about just using them for what they're good for - babysitters when I need them - and I have let go of any expectations of them. I no longer seek my parent's (mainly my mom's) approval and I no longer yearn for a deep relationship with my mom. That feels liberating.

My biggest learning was that you can't break out of a rut by doing or thinking the same things. Something new needs to happen to clear the path. Also, despite never really been one to find solace in journaling, the exercises Lavinia had me do were ultimately game changing.

I think that the coaching series was 100% good value, given what I got out of it - Lavinia was more than I had ever hoped for. It was so meaningful to me to have her share her opinions and her own experiences with me and her coaching program has been so much more valuable to me than prior therapy sessions I had for the same or double the amount of time.

~ Kate Hershie, ecommerce business owner & mama, USA


I Was Losing My Temper


I Was Zoning Out Alot With My Family