I Was Constantly Feeling Like A Failure

When we first connected, I was struggling to get to the bottom of my dynamic with my mum. This was affecting my health (I was having panic attacks), my parenting and my relationship with my husband – I was constantly feeling like a failure.

I had never worked with a coach before and was so scared that I could never heal as I didn’t know what the problem was. After the first session, however, I had a real sense that with Lavinia’s amazing insights, she would help me to get to the bottom of my wounds and how they came about, as well as how to heal them.

The improvement to my life since coaching has been absolutely incredible.

I have much more inner peace now, I am much less afraid, I am more present, I am less anxious, calmer, more confident, I have more genuine compassion for myself and for others, I am able to relate to others more, I am less overwhelmed, I feel lighter, freer and I have a deeper understanding and awareness of myself. I now feel I have the tools to deal with my big feelings when I need to.

All this has led me to feeling empowered, confident and calm and this has been reflected in my daughter who has really come out of her shell - it is delightful to see how secure and safe she feels in our relationship.

I finally feel that I am the mum I wanted to be – the one I was failing to be despite trying so desperately hard before. This means everything to me - I can’t thank Lavinia enough. The joy and love I feel now is wonderful.

There were so many moments throughout the process when my goals felt like a HUGE mountain to climb, but I was amazed at how quickly my perception of myself and others changed, and how much more awareness and deeper understanding I have now, not only of myself but of others. This has led to feeling more connected, compassionate and more confident.

Learning how I wasn’t loved in the way that I needed to be growing up was truly eye-opening and life-changing for me. Another huge learning was realising that my needs are just as important as everyone else’s - rather than putting everyone else first, I now have the confidence to say no and to put in boundaries.

The coaching series was definitely good value - it has been so worth every penny!

~ Anna Barnard, mama, UK


I Was Afraid Of Being Alone With My Kids


I Had A Strong Wish To Follow A Gentle Parenting Approach